Individual Membership: 2 years ($100) or 3 years ($125)
Includes membership ID; member’s exams and athletic records are filed individually in WFS Archives.
Family Membership: 2 years ($150)
Includes family membership ID numbers and extra Exam Catalog; family member’s exams and athletic records are filed individually in WFS Archives.
All Members Receive these Benefits:
- The hard cover full color WFS Exam Catalog, which details all standard WFS Fundamental, Special, Free and Flying Figures.
- Hard copy booklet of the WFS Exam Charts summarizing the content of WFS Exams.
- A copy of the DVD Figure Eights: the Life Force of Figure Skating by Karen Courtland Kelly, providing video demonstration of all Fundamental Figures.
- Membership ID number(s) and badge.
- Reduced rates on WFS Exams and Off-Ice Education.