Art of Skating — Silver Exam

The Silver Exam consist of the following figure artworks:

  • Twin 3’s: RFO3-RFI3 and LFO3-LFI3
  • Serpentines: RBOI-LBIO, LBOI-RBIO
  • Quad Cupcake: RFOIO-LFOIO
  • Loops: RFO-LFO, RFI-LFI
  • Loops: RBO-LBO, RBI-LBI

Supplement Exam Elements

The following supplemental figures may be practiced and optionally examined at the Silver level:

  • Backward Twin 3’s: RBO3-RBI3 and LBO3-LBI3. (Practice this just before your backward loops!)
  • Deux Boucles et Pirouette: Start RFO, LFO. (Required for Skating Artists wishing to eventually learn the loop jump, Axel jump, or any multiple revolution jump.)

A Note on Jumps

World Figure Sports recommends Skating Artists begin working on full rotation jumps (and waltz jumps), if they so choose, only once they have achieved a Competitive level or higher on all elements of the Silver Exam, as the Pewter through Silver exams develop the technical foundation and stable edges required for jumps. Following this guidance ensures the Skating Artist achieve the best long term technique, with the fewest bad habits or technical errors, and in the safest manner possible. Skating Artists who jumps off unstable or insecure edges without first mastering these skills are subjected to unnecessary risk of excessive falls and injury with detrimental long term effects on their physical health, mental health and enjoyment of skating.

For Skating Artists who wish to enter competitions requiring jump elements, World Figure Sport recommends they hold off until Pewter through Silver have been mastered at Competitive level or higher, after which they will have a solid foundation to succeed in their choreographed programs with continuous flow and exquisite flights of fancy on all types of jumps. Before the Silver level has been mastered, competition-focused Skating Artists are encouraged to work on spins of all types, including the back spin, which is a prerequisite for most jumps (see Deux Boucles et Pirouette above).

Sample Videos

Watch below starting 3:30 to see Gary Beacom execute a beautiful loop in the field at 4:10. This video shows how the Back Outside Loop relates to the Loop Jump, and also shows other preparatory exercises. Enjoy Gary Beacom’s exquisite edge control, flow and smoothness!

Exam Chart

NOTE: Edges are to full circles on the end, as shown in the video.

Judge’s Exam Document

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