In order to assess their skills and help direct their training, WFS offers comprehensive services to examine and evaluate skaters performance on ice.
- WFS is able to examine all skating knowledge.
- WFS keeps a record of exam results for members.
- Exams may be held live on video; in-person in Lake Placid, NY; or concurrent with a WFS Workshop or Competition.
To schedule workshops, exams & competitions contact info@worldfiguresport.org or 518.304.3029.
Art of Skating Exams
World Figure Sport has created a graded curriculum of Fundamental and Special Figures that all WFS skaters are encouraged to practice and perfect. To this end WFS offers a set of nine leveled exams, from Pewter to Black Diamond, covering these figures in a pedagogically sound sequence.
- Art of Skating – Pewter Exam
- Art of Skating – Bronze Exam
- Art of Skating – Silver Exam
- Art of Skating – Gold Exam
- Art of Skating – Platinum Exam
- Art of Skating – Double Platinum Exam
- Art of Skating – Triple Platinum Exam
- Art of Skating – Quadruple Platinum Exam
- Art of Skating – Black Diamond Exam
- The left side of each exam chart, available on the page for each exam, references the DVD Figure Eights: the Life Force of Figure Skating by Karen Courtland Kelly, available as DVD or Apple Books One, Two and Three.
- The DVD contains only Fundamental Figures, and are sometimes in a different order than the WFS Exams.
- Figures listed on the left of the exam charts are not included as part of the exam; however, they are frequently included in other exams either earlier or later in the exam sequence.
All Skating Knoweldge
The entire repertoire of skating elements may be examined at World Figure Sport, including:
- Every type of Figure
- Every Flying and Spinning Element
- Ice Dances
- Pair Elements
- Original choreographed Fancy Skating compositions set to music (music may or may not be original)
Levels of Exam Achievement
Preparing for and taking WFS exams is beneficial to the development of every Skating Artist. Exams are graded based on level of achievement on each figure artwork or element, either as Encouraging, Competitive or World Class level. WFS challenges and supports every Skating Artist to achieve a World Class level on all figure artworks. Exam results serve as a valuable snapshot in time, including video that can studied to drive future improvement. WFS celebrates achievement of World Class level, and encourages Skating Aritsts to examine each figure or element until that level is achieved. Skating Artists may take exams, or parts of exams, as many times as they wish in order to achieve World Class level.
Examiners typically evaluate by the print left on the ice if the Fundamental and/or Special Figure’s tracings meet either the Encouraging, Competitive or World Class Figure levels:
- Encouraging level applies to all Figures when a skater’s print on the ice reveals errors such as flats, wiggles, and other technical flaws but not to say a good effort by the skater. WFS recognizes that it takes time to develop the necessary technical skills needed to attain Competitive and/or World Class levels on a consistent basis. Encouraging level is achieved when a skater attains a minimum standard of a 1 – 2 quality level on that specific attempt. A skater may need to work more to complete an encouraging level exam if the examiner marks the exam a 1 and the skater has 1 penalty. Skating Artists achieving an Encouraging level on a figure are encouraged to continue working intensely on that figure until they achieve a Competitive level or higher. This provides the best foundation to build on for further figures.
- Competitive level applies to all Figures when a skater’s print on the ice reveals an understanding and technical proficiency of quality Figure technique with minimum flats, wiggles and other technical flaws. Competitive level is achieved when a skater attains the standard of 3 – 4 quality level. Skating Artists achieving Competitive level in a figure are encouraged to continue practicing it at the start of each day, while spending the bulk of their time on higher repertoire.
- World-Class level applies to all Figures when a skater’s print on the ice reveals an understanding and technical proficiency of high quality Figure making with few technical flaws. A World Class level should not be attained if a skater has flats in the print on the ice when returning to center. World-Class level is achieved when a skater attains the high standard of 5 – 6 quality level. Congratulations to every Skating Artist who achieves World Class Level in any Figure.
NOTE: The referee notes penalty points. The examiner has no knowledge of any penalty points. Penalty points are given if a skater places a foot down or any other body or equipment part onto the ice. (Same penalties apply to all exams – maximum 2 penalty points). All exams are 6 tracings (unless noted differently in WFS Exam Catalog).